Healing the Healers
Our winning Infographic out of 112 entries at the 8th UNB Data Challenge, with participants from across Canada, where I participated with my team "Scatterbrains".
To prepare an infographic for this competition, we were asked to use publicly available data sources and address United Nations Sustainability Development Goals. The goal of our infographic poster and data story presentation was to identify and recommend potential improvements to government services and processes. Our group, after much thought, decided to focus on the current conditions of nursing profession in Canada. Majority of our data was found from CIHI and Govt. of Canada websites.
Our primary tools for visualization were Canva and Flourish with Excel and ChatGPT supplementing our analysis. Yes, I said ChatGPT! While we did not use ChatGPT to give us our facts, we used it to help us with our word cloud (that I was very proud of). We used the tool to scan a website and help us prepare a frequency chart for keywords to help us come up with our final recommendations and create the word cloud in Flourish.
​We also placed amongst the Top 6 Finalists in the data story presentations category. Our presentation below included a detailed review of our findings along with excerpts of our conversations with experienced nurses as well as nursing students. Our presentation was unique in dong so because we wanted to validate our conclusions and recommendations with the ground reality. As Business and IT students, we do not have any direct understanding of the health care industry or nursing profession.
This was one of the best visualization experiences for me. The cherry on top was the opportunity to work with some of my best friends. :)